

In the aftermath of the financial crisis, we are gathering the thoughts of former public officials who were deeply involved in the policy response. We hope that such a common record will prove a valuable resource for students who wish to understand both the challenges posed by the global crisis and the ongoing transformation of central banking policies around the world.

With this in mind, we have asked former senior central bankers and supervisors their views about three fundamental questions:

1) Has the experience of the crisis changed your view of the central bank policy toolkit?

2) Where should we be looking for financial stability risks?

3) What do we need to do to preserve the benefits of global finance?

We conduct the interviews in one of two ways. The first approach is to transcribe a phone conversation that the interviewee then edits. The second approach is for the interviewee to write out answers to these three questions. In both cases, the interviews as posted are fully approved in advance by the interviewees.

We will publish the interviews in our Commentary section as they occur, and will update the list of interviews below accordingly.


January 15, 2015: Jean-Claude Trichet, former President, European Central Bank

January 22, 2015: Donald Kohn, former Vice Chairman, Federal Reserve Board

February 5, 2015: Jeremy Stein, former Governor, Federal Reserve Board

February 12, 2015: Timothy Geithner, former Secretary of the Treasury of the United States

March 5, 2015: Paul Tucker, former Deputy Governor, Bank of England

March 19, 2015: Guillermo Ortiz, former Governor, Bank of Mexico

March 25, 2015: Masaaki Shirakawa, former Governor, Bank of Japan

April 1, 2015: Otmar Issing, former member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank

April 16, 2015: Adair Turner, former Chairman, U.K. Financial Services Authority

April 23, 2015: Duvvuri Subbarao, former Governor, Reserve Bank of India.

May 6, 2015: Choong-soo Kim, former Governor, Bank of Korea

May 7, 2015: Sheila Bair, former Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

June 18, 2015: John Lipsky, former Acting Managing Director, International Monetary Fund

July 2, 2015: Gill Marcus, former Governor, South African Reserve Bank

July 16, 2015: Axel Weber, former President, Deutsche Bundesbank

November 23, 2015: John Taylor, former Undersecretary of the Treasury for International Affairs

December 21, 2015: Charles Plosser, former President, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

January 18, 2015: Sir Charles Bean, former Deputy Governor for Monetary Policy, Bank of England

February 1, 2016: Narayana Kocherlakota, former President, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis